Mooncake Festival

how did u celebrate ur lanten festival this year? hahaha as usual, i passed mine at my condo's pool side with a bunch of friends :) but this year slightly different from the passed....cuz v play lanten on my condo roof top! hahhaha imagine when u r standing on top of a condo...13th floor!!! where u can see the schenery of almost half of the kl...but too bad its not as good as u thought. cuz due to all the stupid haze that cover the kl.....

lanten festival of course muz ve lanten to hang around la....:P

this is the pic when u r standing on the building roof top n where u can see the nice nature schenery.....with little of haze too ahahahah

isnt this decoration nice? haahhahaha thx to all my friends for the hard work...

this pic really funny. cuz when my bf said :'hey help me to tk a pic with my gf!' but when the picture came out....another person are possing beside me! though she heard v want a couple shoot? ahahahahha

this is the satisfy one..hahahaha but look at the corner...someone is being push away...

working in progress....

when u have ah ben, cavin and edmund..... = funny = laugh dead...

(pssssshhhh look at the behind of everyone, do u notice the light everything? then u can imagine how tall v r at)

not another of our lovely group picture.....


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