Apple Ipod Video

my next target beside canon ixus :) i got a ipod nano...but feeling to to change to ipod video. so i can download more song n movie inside. and its more convenient for me when im going work like commercial where i need to stay up for more than 10 hours....:P if i wanted to sell off my nano...anyone wanted to buy? hahahahha cuz hear that the ipod video is selling 1k at taiwan for 30g size......


kyliemc said...
11:53 AM

whoa..really,kassie?tht cheap..hehe...gosh,can u post a pic how ipod video looks like?hahha...i wanna show it 2 dad b4 he goes for his biz 2 taiwan ;)

kassie said...
9:56 PM

erm its slightly bigger than ipod nano. ya should ask ur dad to get it since he is going to taiwan :P might b cheaper now.

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