I'm a Lollipop Lover

i dunno since when im so crazy over lollipop. got not much to say on this post. i believe pictures speaks a thousands words...lets see wats the craziest things ive done today!!!!

a 'million' lollipops are now in my room.im very sure, carmen u ll like it!

remember the 'sugus' type of lollipops when v ve it when v r still a kids? hardly to find it nowadays..miss the flavour so so much. unbelievable i found it today in a PEMBORONG of candy in pudu. 180pcs only RM13.50 damn fucking cheap wei!!!!!! yes i bought it. no joke. and i bought another box of chupa chups too becuz i saw some of my fav flavour inside such as coke, watermelon and pineapple...65pcs at only RM20. hand n mouth also super itchy de!

yes im now a 'pemborong' of lollipops. come take from me if u NEED!!!!!!
carmen, im going to bring u over to the places n let u spend alots wakakakkakakak devil me!!!!!


Unknown said...
10:53 AM

Let the lollipop party started and all of us will die of diabetes..wahahahhaa

gorgeous ♥ said...
6:01 PM

if u dun mind, cud u please email me how to contact that pemborong? i want to make it as a gift for my wedding day..really tq dear.. =) fariha_gurl@yahoo.com

Farah said...
9:28 AM

hye there...
i would really love to know where is the pemborong shop. need it for my engagement event. pls email me at aeyyaa@gmail.com


Anonymous said...
2:39 PM


Would like to know where is the shop. Need it for event. Pls email at: aslin_lin2005@yahoo.com. Thank you.

Anonymous said...
8:34 AM

pls tell me where's the place need to buy lolipop for my weddg~~urgent-wani 0173295213

theighn said...
6:57 PM

r1r98s8k36 j1e21r2p53 f1c09o9x96 v5c96k4q83 v3o52i1l42 h8p54v8u20

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