More Juicy!!!!

i want more juicy!!!!!!!went to pavilion the other day with my mum....n pass by juicy n notice they r having sales. v went in n see....i look ard n found this charm for the bracelet...since i ve a juicy bracelet so i was looking for their charm to add-on. tis is so famous nowadays beside those in pasar malam, tiffany ve it also(but extremely expensive per charm) and another brand ll b thomas sobo...but their charm not cheap also.n the sales girl told me they r having 30% off on selected charm...weee....then my mum said choose la choose la i get one for u!!!! weee my santa claus mum mang sui!!!!!!i found few which i luv it so much...but too bad all is non-discount item...see my taste is sooo good! wtf....and finally i get myself this:

--- wakkaakkaakak a cupcake...damn small rite! the item are so small but the plastic bag is damn big....satisfied satisfied.

--- i bet u can see it cleary.this is the close up shoot of my mini cupcakes.....

--- yeah yeah v come from the same family...n now finally v got the chance to meet up!!! welcome home mini cupcakes wakakakakkakakka
chi sin de....but one charm is really not enough. more ll b better kekeekekekekk.....girlz rules, more JUICY plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


kyliemc said...
5:23 PM cute la!!heheh.....really cute..the bracelet is so lovely

-=* hoho *=- said...
12:26 AM

so.. how much is the Big plastic bad and small cupcake?

Zoe said...
10:04 AM

Hey Kassie, you're tagged! :)

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